Best Runner is a workout tracking app
This App allows you to track your workouts activity and to view the weekly chart based on your activity.
☞ Complete MVP:
1. CRUD operations on a workout:
- Delete workout completely
2. Memoized Filter By Multiple Values:
- by date: oldest-newest, newest-oldest;
- by type: bike/walk/run/ski;
- by km: max-min, min-max;
3. Weekly distance chart with Canvas.js
- effectively display weekly chart based on available data;
- React.js to build the front-end;
- Redux for state managemet;
- React-router for routing;
- Redux-reselect to implement complex filter to memoize expensive calculations;
- Redux-persist to save data in localStorage;
- Material UI for Forms and Input Fields;
- Styled Components to keep the concerns of styling and element architecture separated and make components more readable.
- Canvas.js to make the weekly chart with the data;