Contacts App is a contacts management app with statistical analysis.
This App allows you to search and filter contacts using API.
1. Two settings of data viewing:
- tabular view;
- tiled view;
2. Contact's list view:
- User's birthday was changed to the US format;
- Email, phome and adress are clickable, with copy to the clipboard feature;
- Address is formatted: / country / street number street name, city, state zip code street number street name, city, state code;
3. Ability to filter data with multiple values without performance issues:
- by full name;
- by gender;
- by nationality;
User friendly things about filter:
- Filter happens without the manual form submition;
- Clearing the filter returns the collection to its original state;
- The entire collection gets filtered;
4. Statistical Analysis:
- Analyze the size of the collection;
- Get number of men, women and indetermitate;
- Analyze number of contacts for each nationality;
What else is there?
- By clicking on the user's name or avatar, there is a transition to the page for viewing user data;
- When returning from the view page to the contact list page, the previously selected filter, sorting and pagination state must be saved and applied.
- React for frontend,
- Material UI as a UI library,
- Redux for state management,
- Reselect to implement filter and statistics, avoiding performance issues,
- Redux-saga for asynchronous store update.